Welcome to the pkgutil site

This is the official site for pkgutil, the easy to use, yet fully featured, installation tool for Solaris CSW packages.

Pkgutil, written in Perl and licensed under GPL, is a tool to make installation of packages in Solaris easier. It handles package dependencies so all required packages are installed before the desired package automatically. This is based on functionality present in apt-get (Debian Linux).

Pkgutil is a registered project at Sourceforge and it's also tracked at Ohloh. It's written by gro.wscnepo|travinob#travinoB reteP.

Current stable version is 2.6.7.


  • 2014-10-16 Version 2.6.7 has been released. See the release history for more info.
  • 2011-06-21 Puppet 2.7.0 released today contains an official pkgutil provider. Thanks to all who contributed.
  • 2009-10-09 You can now join the wiki to help document pkgutil. Some pages are getting quite old, like the install and use pages for example.
  • 2009-06-29 Remember that you at any time can get the most current version of pkgutil directly from the Sourceforge repository. Normally you just have to download and replace (/opt/csw/bin/)pkgutil itself but you can also check if other files have changed. Here's a link to the repository: http://pkgutil.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pkgutil/trunk/.
  • 2009-03-27 I have created a mailing list for pkgutil users to ask questions, share ideas and more. See https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pkgutil-users. Please use this list first for issues with pkgutil itself, Blastwave and OpenCSW really only package pkgutil and shouldn't get support requests for the software. :-)
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